October 2017

Stalking Jack the ripper by Kerri Meniscalco

Since I wrote a review for this book, I won't tell you much about it.


Stalking Jack the ripper review 


All you need to know is that I loved this book!





Your name by Makoto Shinkai 

Beautiful writing and great story line.

Funny but also very touching, therefor i cried...

I'f also recommend to watch the movie :D



Dem Abgrund so nah von

Jessica Koch

Dies ist der zweite Teil in der Danny Trilogie und hat mich emotional komplett zerstört.

Ich glaube ich habe den Glauben an die Menschheit verloren. Wenn ihr das Buch lest, dann würde ich empfehlen nicht zu viel vom Inhalt zu wissen. 

Allerdings ist eine Trigger Warnung meiner Meinung nach nötig. Man kann Dem Abgrund so nah auch ohne davor Dem Horizont so nah davor gelesen zuhaben lesen. 

Dieser Teil ist aber um einiges ärger, als das erste Buch. 


Jessica Koch hat mit einem wunderschönen Schreibstil eine unglaublich tragische (und leider auch wahre) Geschichte erzählt und hat somit auch eine hohe Bewertung verdient.



The statistical probability of love at first sight by Jennifer E. Smith

I thought this book would be a cute, cheesy and

light-hearted contemporary, but I was wrong. 

The love story wasn't a major part of this book, where else re-marriage, divorce and relationship to parents was a huge topic. 

It wasn't bad, just not what I expected it to be. 


This book is a quick read with a nice writing style.




Warcross by Marie Lu

This book was amazing! Marie Lu's writing stile improved and the whole concept of Warcross is just *mind blow* 

She described the world so good, I could actually see Tokyo and everything else in Warcross.

A lot of people said that it reminded them of Ready player one, personally it reminded me of Sword art online.

Thinking of technology improving to something so powerful is mesmerizing and creepy at the same time. I liked the protagonist Emika and I ship her so hard with Hideo. 

(Btw Hideo is like a mix of Mr. Grey (Fifty shades of grey) and Reiji Sakamaki (Diabolik Lovers) but waaaaaaay better) 

At some parts I listend to the audiobook, which led to me grinning and fangirling while shopping and people starring at me as if I am a complete lunatic.

Warcross is a great book, so please check it out.

(If you don't want to torture yourself, then read it in 2018, so you don't have to wait too long for the sequel)



That's everything I read this month :D

What did you read? Oh and by the way:

Happy halloween