November 2017

Unspoken agreement by

Chelsea Lena Girard

I already uploaded a review for this great book :D

You can read it here










4,5 ⭐️

The sun and her flowers by Rupi Kaur

It was as good as Milk and honey, but it did't seem as touching. I still really enjoyed it and there were some amazing poems in there.












4.5 ⭐️

Hunting prince Dracula by Kerri Maniscalco 

This is the sequel of Stalking Jack the ripper and I loved it even more! 

The setting was vivid, the plot and solution were amazing. 

Kerri sure is a talented author!










5 ⭐️

Without Merit by Colleen Hoover

Since Colleen is (one of) my favorite author, I was so excited to finally start this book. It was different, but so good. It wasn't too focused on the love story, but on the family and their secrets. 

It made me think about certain things and I am grateful for this book.





5 ⭐️